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POETRY: " Pop Culture"

Published in the Nevada Brushfire HERE


I am Pop Culture. Coca Cola for the world, classic, carbonated, name brand POP.

I am affiliated to perfection and dissatisfaction

Abercrombie and Lane Bryant. Puma and Vickies secrets that have leaked out

Devout Christian, Kappa Alpha Theta, Student Government

Brown Eyed Girl

Living off Ikea, Pottery Barn, WIlliam Sonoma and Target

Monogrammed Purses and necklaces with a sparkling "L"

Diamond earrings, a Chevy metro

I am Pop Culture

Post braces and Atkins Diet

Boot cut jeans, Clinique and Ceramic-brand flat iron,

Mabelline eyes, Proactive skin, Thumb Ring, pedicured toes,

Las Vegas Home

Honor Grad., 3.0 average, designated driver

I am Pop Culture

I am


Don't know who I am

Not defined by thought




I Too?

Highlights and lowlights in spotlight at midnight

In a miracle bra and bust

Not in person-suburban and sun burnin'

On Havasu with WHO? I forgot

POP!!! There I go along with the culture; mainstream

Pop, Pop, Poppin' on the main industry.

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