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NYC: Gainfully Employed

"Gainfully Employed" Current mood: tired Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Peeps, So- I have started working in the Office of the Public Advocate. They have assigned me the title of Director, Projects & Programs and I do have an office with a view. Its pretty sweet. I work directly with the Chief of Staff and have no one under me or above me. I am pretty much on my own. I am still trying to nail down the place to live in the city and have 90 days to do that per statute. This is my building:

Day one was nice, I was given the orientation from a woman named Elba who is exactly like Rosie Perez. She sounds just like her and has New York SASS like I have never seen. I think she was afraid to pronounce my name wrong because she wouldn't say it. Then, with the other new hires she talked about how great I am going to be for the OPA and how I just blew them away in my interview and how she was so excited to have me on board. Which was nice! Then I got my office (which I know you are all dying to see, so here it is:

including the view from MY window:

and I met with the Chief of Staff who discussed what my priorities are. It was a quick meeting and we set up meetings for this week, and I went off and got to work. Lunch for the past two days has been had at Olivas in City Hall Park.

It is this cute restaurant with a piano player in the back and all kinds of deli foods, and a salad and fruit bar and sushi and baked goods. I might love that place. Today I just sat there people watching. I have a lot of learning to do in the job that is going to be happening alongside my Chief of Staff. We are both learning together which is good because it allows us to ask lots of questions. I am probably most excited about my view and the fact that I have my own space. i am off in a back corner which is somewhat lonely but the view is great and the people are really nice. This morning I was early so I sat in City Hall Park before work and I made a friend, jimmy, a Vietnam veteran with two children and four grandchildren told me that I don't look like I am 'from around here' and that i should get married and have kids because they are the best blessing in the world. I was like 'thanks Jimmy'...I hate kids. He was nice, he started talking to me because he saw me taking pictures of the park and wondered if my camera was new. I met another friend while en route, a man whose name I didn't catch on the train home who talked to me about engineering for an hour and how he thinks Verizon is the best network because they 'never stop working for you' and how he loves my phone. A girl reading 'the devil wears Prada' was sitting on the train for the first part of the commute today and she highly recommended the book, primarily because her boss is apparently 'the devil' and even though she is 'only 22 pages into it, you should totally buy it' So, I have made all kinds of single serving friends, but I must say nothing compares to all my real friends who I miss terribly. And although things are going so very well, I get sad living the dream without anyone to live it with me. Hence why i am thankful for blogging. I'm not looking for sympathy, I am looking for visitors. Please come visit me so i don't get homesick and move back to Vegas already. I left my heart there and so it is hard for me to be away for too long. And, I write this blog although I have to wake up at 4:30 AM to get ready and I am tired and lonely. Show me the love, will ya?

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