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NYC: Empire State

What is going on in the life of Lauralie Lee? Read on so as not to miss any juicy details. 1st. I had more visitors to NYC. My cousin Sarah and my aunt Dawn (pronounced donnie because that is how NYers say it). Tonight Sarah and I are going to Spelling Bee which I am very much looking forward to!!! Before I went to Vegas we went to the top of the Empire State building. Donnie said she was handicapped so we didn't have to wait in the half hour line.

Anyway it was hot, because summer in NY is like spending your days inside a sauna, even at ten PM. But it was awesome! [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

I took my cousin Sarah to SoHo so she could get a swanky NYC haircut that broke the bank, but that really was worth every penny.

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And how much do I love this salon? Orange and blue- my favs- it is suh cute!! Me on the other hand....Well- I need a make over and thank God for Isaac Mizrahi who is going to give me one! No, I'm totally serious. For real. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]It might be the most random thing that you have heard all day, but it is true I am going to be on TV. I am in a weight loss makeover group! So I got a free gym membership and I go to meetings, and there are four tapings, and in October we air the show and lets hope I loss a few pounds! I love Isaac btw. He wore an orange polyester jacket the first day we met him, and he is so flamboyant gay its like I am at home with all my boys. So- maybe this will propel me into superstardom. I know you are asking yourselves "How did that happen?" Well, Kappa Alpha Theta is how. I am on the NYC alum listserve, got an email and responded. They liked my story- who wouldn't, and I got on the show. Its not 'what not to wear' but its close. Plus they are helping me diminish my g'dunka dunk which is always fab. Next- I had another photo shoot so that I can stop pretending to model and actually do it!


Next- the search for a home. This has been a fiasco. Everything you may have heard about apartments in NYC is RIGHT! Some things I saw I though 'You're joking right?' Like this- looks like a normal bathroom, [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]


except how do you sit on the toilet???? No room for your legs ladies. I guess only men can live here. Well I finally got a killer apartment, with a killer room and what seem to be killer roommates. I have a faux fireplace in my room, I know weird, but it could be cute. Luckily my sis is coming into town in 2 1/2 weeks so she can help me furnish/decorate/lauralize the apartment. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

I found the place through Myspace classifieds. Don't ever say that Myspace is pointless. It found me my home. I know- suh random. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]ThenI went to Vegas- and got sick. It was a fun trip for the first 2 days and then I was in bed and couldn't function for the last few. So, I'm sorry if I didn't see my Vegas peeps. You didn't want to get sick though. Trust me on this one. I did get to meet my new nephew- Joey...awwwwwwwwwww

As for summer in NY- its hotter than you think. I was just in Vegas. Vegas was cold compared to this humidity. Its stifling. I hate it. Just think- no car-subways-dripping sweat. Its not pretty, that is why there are no photos of me this time. Between the heat and the sickness I look like death. I think I died twice yesterday while rolling my luggage the 5 blocks and four stories to my new apartment. Can you get athletes hand? I totally did. and NY doesn't believe in Central ac. WTF?

So, that has been the ups and downs of the past few weeks. I will let you know how everything turns out- Isaac, my modeling, my apartment and the heat.

In short- the past six months have yielded:

two suitcases,

5 thousand dollars,

no job, then crappy job, then fab job,

crying, laughing and getting crunk with friends,

worst photo shoot ever, and the best photo shoot ever,

no apartment, crappy apartments and then fab apartment with exposed brick,

and now Isaac and a makeover.

Whew. We done yet? Thanks for riding the rollercoaster with me. xoxo


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