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PRESS: Downtown Project Magazine

Downtown Project Catalyst Week Magazine

Lauralie Ezra was profiled in Downtown Project Magazine, answering a few questions about herself.


What is the last book you read?

Currently reading "Being Oscar: From Mob Lawyer to Mayor of Las Vegas" by Oscar Goodman and "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron

The Last Concert You Attended?

Maroon 5.

What is your favorite virtue:

Patience. We have a love/hate relationship.

If you could give one piece of advice to your 10-year old self, what would it be?

"Keep Swimming!"

Who are your heroes in Real life?

Not one particular person, but I look up to those who have fought against naysayers to follow their dreams relentlessly.

Intuition or rationale?


What is your greatest fear?

That I won't live up to my own expectations.

What is your idea of happiness?

Happiness is my furry Jack Russell Terriers lying on my lap, a nice glass of wine, writing in the sun.

In one sentence, what does the future of Downtown LAs Vegas look like to you?

The future of Dowontown looks bright, busy, eccentric and hopefully clean.

Stones or Beatles?



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