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POETRY: What's in a Grade

I don't understand this grade-system crap

Who ever thought of this, I wish you'd get slapped

Honestly now- it doesn't make sense

To test my knowledge by the grade on a test

And what were you thinking "A" is excellence

Don't you mean "E"

No- that'd make too much sense

And "B" for above average

(the average, that's C)

This whole grading system seems messed up to me.

And how can you possibly see my potential?

All a grade gives you is a G.PA., that can't be too helpful

Einstein and Lincoln were fools of their class

But they became the creators of our past

I just don't think I'll ever really see

How much you can tell about my by my "B"

This world sucks today,

So much hatred and war

Maybe the least of importance lies in a score

And SAT's- what the hell is that?

I cannot believe I just became a stat!

If you want to know me

Turn off the TV

Forget about my "B"

Talk to my family

Stop worrying about the next success story

Or the kid who got "perfect" on his SAT

I may not be beautiful or the next president

But this level of my knowledge is evident

And its not in an "A" or 100 percent.

I am someone important

I know who I am

I am individual,

A strong, young woman.

I have goals that you will never know

I want a family and a career:I'm excited about growth.

So take a minute

Stop worrying about the grade

I can't believe we all play this charade

Life is about so much more than an "A"

I AM learning I don't care what you say!

Whoever thought of this grade system crap

You didn't think it through

And all I can say is "F" to you!

Lauralie Ezra

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