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Work Hard, Play Hard: The Secret to Achieving Balance

A balanced life is within reach! Whether you’re a working mom, stay-at-home mom or an entrepreneur, it's important to fill your life with activities that feed your soul and energize you for the day. That's why we advocate for taking time to "play hard."

This includes signing up to do things you enjoy - from solo travel, family photo shoots and running a marathon to opening Amazon boxes and enjoying a glass of wine (because hey, moms deserve a break too!). These activities give us the opportunity to take some time away from our daily responsibilities and invest in ourselves.

Even with busy schedules, there are still ways that you can make room for fun activities. Consider making self-care a priority and creating a work-life balance. You don't have to drop everything else in your life and make it all about "play" - rather, just try to incorporate activities that bring you joy into your daily life or schedule them for days off.

Being mindful of the time you have is a key factor in maintaining the balance between your personal life and professional life. Lack of management skills with regards to your time can be detrimental, leading to stress and poor decision-making related to both aspects of your life. It is essential that you take full responsibility for the decisions you make, deciding which activities will support you in maintaining an enjoyable personal lifestyle as well as activities that work towards reaching opportunity or success in your professional world. Having an understanding for the key forces behind action and clarity of thought regarding what it takes to execute can help ensure things keep moving forward when it comes to both parts of your life story. When we practice this intentional approach, we will find ourselves more capable of taking on whatever comes our way! That's why at the end of the day, achieving balance isn't just about working hard - it's also about making sure you take some time out to play hard too. So go ahead and enjoy yourself mama - you'll be glad you did!

1. Get organized

The first step to achieving balance as a working mom is to get organized. This means creating a schedule that works for you and your family. Figure out when you need to be at work and when you can be at home with your kids. You may also want to consider hiring a babysitter or nanny to help with childcare. Yes, you can afford it. 1-2 hours so you can go on a date or a walk is work all $20 - $40 so let it happen for you! Get out a calendar (and stickers) and start to play with how you want it to look. I have a calendar for my workouts, a digital calendar for my husband and I and have to-do lists weekly for my toddlers. ALL the calendars. Get to love them.

2. Set priorities

It’s also important to set priorities. What is most important to you? Is it your career, your family, your health, or something else? Once you know what your priorities are, you can start making decisions about how to spend your time accordingly. You may find that last year you thought work was number one (guilty!) and then you realize it's not that at all. You're all owed to change your mind, but you have to make it up first!

3. Make time for yourself

Finally, don’t forget to make time for yourself. As a working mom, it’s easy to get so caught up in taking care of everyone else that you forget to take care of yourself. This will. be your biggest downfall if you let it. Don't let it happen. But it’s important to remember that you need time to relax and recharge, too. Make sure to schedule some “me time” into your week, even if it’s just an hour or two. I highly suggest something that makes you feel great until you get back to that appointment. Hiking, beauty treatments, personal training. You time should be as much an investment as school is for your children.

A balanced life is waiting for you - why don't you go and get it? The time to make a change is now, so what are you waiting for?! Take a deep breath, remind yourself of your worth, and let’s work hard – and play hard! Here’s to finding balance in our lives! Cheers! 🥂💃🏼👊🏼


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